DPRK - All Grown UP

DPRK - All Grown UP

DPRK - All Grown UP

Despite a common myth over the last decade, North Korea is a formidable threat actor that we should be concerned about and need to take seriously. North Korea’s computer network exploitation program has assisted with revenue generation through cryptocurrency theft and provided valuable intelligence on a myriad of needs such as weapons systems and defense. In short, possibly more than any other nations, their cyber programs have provided asymmetric advantage against major international instruments of power such as sanctions and trade restrictions.

This talk will discuss the growth and maturation of North Korea’s computer network exploitation program over the past 10 years, focusing on the evolution in objectives, scale and outcomes. It will also highlight the growing threat of fraudulently employed DPRK IT workers and their ability to bring in money for the regime as well as steal intellectual property from organizations the workers are supporting.